Sunday, October 23, 2011

Our Awakening

Today's post comes from an excerpt of John Smallman's blog.  I think it says A LOT!

Nevertheless, your awakening process is well and firmly established.  All that you have to do is accept it by releasing your strange attitudes of hostility, suspicion, and unlovingness which you invented and embraced when you imagined yourselves separate from your Father.  Separation is a hostile state because it is a state of not knowing and not recognizing one another – a state of refusal, negation, or withdrawing into a body that is removed from, instead of being one with, each other, which is your true state.

When you awaken, as you will, all sense of separation or aloneness will be gone, and you will recognize and experience the glory of Reality in which all are intimately and divinely connected in blissful euphoria.  In that state you are One and you are All.  You are all- knowing, you are all-seeing, you are total divine awareness united with God your loving Father.  It is your natural state, your original state, and your eternal state from which you only briefly imagined that you had departed.  Your joy on awakening will transport you into the infinite wonderment of who and what you truly are and always have been:  Love – which has no bounds!

Your loving brother, Jesus.


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