Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Reverence for Life

"Once man begins to think about the mystery of his life and the links connecting him with the life that fills the world, he cannot but accept, for his own life and all other life that surrounds him, the principle of Reverence for Life.

He will act according to this principle of the ethical affirmation of life in everything he does. His life will become in every respect more difficult that if he lived for himself, but at the same time it will be richer, more beautiful, and happier.

It will become, instead of mere living, a genuine experience of life."
~ Albert Schweitzer

I think Albert was right. I look back at times in my life and I was happiest when I was contributing something to another's life in some way ... even small ways count.  It's one of the laws of the universe in action.  The law of cause and effect.  Irrefutable.  What we give out is what we get back.  Goes both ways for good and not so good.  There are no exceptions. 

Life is good.  Thoughts are things . . . choose the good ones!

I'm pretty involved with the moon lately.  I applied a duo-tone special effect to this one:


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