Friday, March 4, 2011

Some People are So Cranky!

"Thank you for everything; I have no complaints whatsoever." 

When I first heard this mantra, I thought, "wait a minute ... what if I DO have some complaints?"  Well, we all do because we're human, but what would happen; what would our lives look and feel like if we didn't complain and were thankful for everything?   Everything (I guess) would include things that we perceive as good, things that we perceive as not so good, things that we perceive as right or wrong.  Guess you could put a label on every thought, feeling or action you have, couldn't you?  I think that's what we humans do.

If we really think about this, we could look back over our lives and realize how much energy we have given to putting labels on things.  OMG!  It's mind-boggling!  In every event or circumstance, I believe there's opportunity of some kind.

OK -  I think I'll stop now and just  "BE."

Enjoy the weekend.  I won't be blogging again until Monday evening. 

Today's picture:

 Darryl and Carryl as tots - circa 1944


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