Thursday, March 17, 2011


What a handsome subject for today's picture.  Of course I may be somewhat biased because I'm related to the subject ... my grandson.  I had such a good time taking this shot of him.  Last October, just before Halloween, we were all on the hunt for unique costumes so we went to a thrift store in Sacramento.  Found the perfect bridal dress for Miss Belle, who was going as a dead bride.  Yikes!  Quite the imagination for a 10-year old. 

Blake was looking for the just the right "dinosaur quasi-lizard" look.  When he walked up to me wearing this cute frog face pajama thing, I just had to grab the camera and take my best shot.  The look on his face is priceless, not to mention that the "thing" on his head added to the allure :-)  He has always been the one in the family that when the camera comes out, he takes off running.  You can't imagine all the shots I've had to delete off my camera because I have "half-a-Blake."

When I got around to adding some special effects, what better one to use than cartoonizing?  I posted it on my FB wall, wrote on his wall to go take a look.  He loved it!  Wouldn't surprise me one bit if he used it as his profile picture.  Maybe not.  After all, he is turning 14 next month.  Love you and miss you, buddy!

(I think I took him by surprise with the camera ... gotcha!)


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