Monday, October 3, 2011

The Struggle Ends When This Happens

It's been said that the struggle will end when we become grateful for what is.  Yes, I believe we have to take definitive action sometimes, but not always.  It seems that most of the time we resist what is and if we spend that much time resisting, what time is there left for joy?

Sometimes it's all we can do to just BE who we are.  BE grateful for what we have.  BE grateful for those folks in our lives who came to play a specific part (and they all did).  BE grateful for where we live.  BE grateful for the food we have on our table.  BE grateful for our friends and loved ones.  And the list goes on and on. 

Very soon we are all going to see that the Earth can't go on in the ways it has for so long now.  More and more people are finally waking up to that.  We are all at such different milestones on our journey yet we are all going to the same destination.

My question is:  How long will it take for us to realize that we are all part of the Oneness?  I don't think we have much longer to wait.


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