Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jump Start of Creation

The jump-start of creation is gratitude.  Neale Donald Walsh said that and I believe it's true.  As I had a conversation this morning with my daughter, we both found ourselves being grateful for all kinds of things.  One led to another and another and another.  You get the idea.  We could have both stayed on the fast track to complaining but decided to go in the opposite direction.  And what's strange is that we both veered into the gratitude lane at the same time.  As the conversation ended, I realized how grateful I am to have her in my life.  I've often said that even if she wasn't my daughter, I would choose her to be my friend.

There are lot of synchronicities going on everywhere around the planet.  But not many that you'll see in the MSM (main stream media). 

When was the last time you made it a point to think of things that you are grateful for?  If it's been a while, why not do it now? 

Today's picture is worth a thousand words.  My grandson, Blake, and I'm grateful for him, too.


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