Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Roses, Roses, Roses

OK, I admit it.  I'm obsessed with flowers lately.  And I'm just reminded of a wonderfully inspiring woman I met years ago.  Her name was Rosita Perez, the keynote speaker at a convention I attended several years ago. 

Rosita always wore a fresh flower in her hair.  The day she spoke at our convention she was wearing a white gardenia.  I had the opportunity to speak with her one-on-one before the meeting took place and I have to say she left a profound impression on me. 

Rosita felt that we all have something special and important inside of us. In fact, the book she wrote is titled "The Music is You."  She felt that none of us should die with our "music" still in us.  She also commented that she would rather have flowers while she was alive and could enjoy them than after she passes and they lie on her casket.  She thought that was such a waste.  I do, too. 

I just filled out my Five Wishes document that explains what I want as I get to the end of my life.  It's humbling to do that and what I realized is that after I'm gone, I'm not going to care if there's a memorial or if my ashes are spread over whatever.  Those rituals are for the folks left behind.  They need them more than I ever will.  I will already be home with God.

But for now, I love my flowers.  And this collection is for Rosita, who "went home" in 2008.  She battled MS for over 20 years.  Be at peace, my friend.


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