Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

It's been a very nice Mother's Day for me.  My husband took me out to breakfast to our favorite place and we were lucky enough to sit outside in the beautiful weather.  There was just enough of a breeze to make it nice.  So what if we had to weigh down our napkins. 

I heard from both of my children and that's always a treat for me.  Still didn't get a commitment out of my son as to when he's coming to visit.  Aaaargh!  But it's always good to talk with him.  I'm grateful that he's doing well in Texas.  It seems to agree with him.

As for my lovely daughter, she had to work today and I think that stinks!  But as soon as she's off work, her and the kids will do something special.  I'm grateful for her . . . it's beyond words how much I love my kids and I am thankful every day that God gave me these gifts.  And my grandkids?  Well, they're a huge bonus. 

To all the Moms out there, I hope you feel as blessed as I do.  I also feel blessed that I still have my Mom.  We spent the day together yesterday . . . had some lunch and went shopping.  A lot like old times.  She moves a lot slower now but we are patient with each other and we had a wonderful time.

God bless all of us.



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