Monday, May 2, 2011

My Best Friend Likes Daisies

Every time I see daisies, I think of my friend, Patty, whom I've known for 47 years.  Wowzer!  That's a long time.  We don't see each other often enough.  She lives between Palm Springs, Jacksonville and Chicago.  She's such a gadabout :-).  But when we do get together, it seems that no time has passed. 

When I was newly divorced and raising my children, she and her Mom and her brother all took us under their wings, their loving wings, and helped us feel like we were integral parts of their family.  There was no family occasion that we weren't invited to.  And even though Patty's Mom is gone now, I still think of her as Mama Lynn and my kids still talk about her as Grandma Lynn.  Funny how time can never take any of that away.

My Mom and Mama Lynn were the best of friends, too, and when my Mom had to move to Ohio with her husband, maybe there was an unspoken agreement between the two of them to keep an eye on us.  Who knows? 

So whenever I see daisies, my mind and heart races right back to those times, those really lean times in more ways than one, when I had them to lean on.  So here's to you, Mama Lynn, Patty and Curt for all your love and support . . . then and now.


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