Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Great Dog Named Tuesday

What is better than a dog licking your face because it loves you? 

I personally haven't been able to be without having a couple of dogs for more than 15 years now.  When the kids were growing up, we were fortunate enough to have our first rescue.  Her name was Radar because her ears were supposed to flop but just couldn't quite do it, so when she perked her ears up, they looked sort of like helicopter rotors.  She was a great dog and the kids and I loved her so much.  She went everywhere with us, even to the river, where she rolled on a dead fish.  Needless to say, Radar had to ride in the back of the pick-up on the way home.  She kept looking into the cab like "What's going on?  I usually get to ride in there with you."  She also hated the mailman, no matter where we lived.  And the UPS guy.  And the FedEx guy.  Anybody that came to the house and touched it, she barked like crazy.  Must have been something about guys in uniforms.  That's the only disadvantage to getting a rescue.  Their history may have some quirky things.

One of these days, I'll find a picture of Radar and post it here. 

In the meantime, see what one dog named Tuesday did for his human, an Iraq war veteran suffering from physical and psychological effects of the war:

Tuesday, the Golden Retriever


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