Sunday, October 9, 2016

Working from Home: How to Avoid the Loneliness and Isolation

Loneliness and isolation may seem like strange words when you’re talking about working from home. How can you feel lonely and isolated when you're at home with your children all day long? (It can be even more intense if you have no children at home). Anyone that has ever had a 9-to-5 job though knows that interaction with other adults is good from time to time. When you jump ship and work from home, this is no longer an option. 

When the only interaction you have is with a two-year old about what cartoon to watch or snack to eat, you might begin to feel somewhat alone. That sense of isolation can quickly turn to loneliness, but by being aware and planning ahead, you can easily avoid the work-at-home unhappiness effects.

Stay in touch with friends – It can be easy to let relationships fall by the wayside when you work from home. You are constantly busy with work and family and barely feel like you have time for anything else, but it’s important to make time to nurture these relationships outside of the home. 

Get a sitter for the kids and schedule a lunch date with a couple friends once or twice a month to catch up. If you know that you are going to do this ahead of time, it will give you something to look forward to and eliminate the feeling that you never have any adult conversation. 

Network – This is an important strategy in business and in life. You have to network with people if you want to further your business. The same goes for your personal life. Find others who work from home and stay connected with them. There are plenty of online forums in the work from home communities and special Meet-Up groups out there. 

You’re all in the same boat and will most likely be going through the same feelings. By having someone to bounce ideas, questions, and problems off of you won’t feel as isolated and alone. It helps to know that others share a common bond.

Take your work with you – I personally love the beauty of having a tablet. It’s so portable! When you begin to feel lonely, load up the kids and your tablet or laptop and go to the park for an afternoon. The kids will have a blast and you can get some work done in the sunshine and cool breeze. 

You can also check out the local coffee shop or Wi-Fi hot spot in order to be around other adults. Or get a sitter for a few hours and enjoy some grown-up time. You’ll be surprised just how rejuvenating and inspiring some adult interaction can be.

There are several ways you can avoid the feelings of isolation and loneliness while working from home. It can be quite the transition, especially if you are used to having co-workers to chat with and someone to eat lunch with everyday. Some say working from homes comes with a price. Yet the benefit of being home every day with the children, all while providing for your family is an opportunity that many would consider priceless. 

Hope this helps! (This is the fifth and final post on this subject. Stay tuned for more ideas  that can assist you in your journey of working from home).


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