Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Everyone Wants It

No doubt about it ... everyone wants love. Every. Single. Human. Being.

Does that mean romantic love? No. It doesn't have to mean that at all. What it does mean is that we, as spiritual beings having a human experience, want to know who we really are. The only way we can do that is to love our "self," including all of our shortcomings, failures, and missed opportunities. We all have them; they're part of the aforementioned human experience.

Once we accept that we have them, we can then go about making choices that serve us better, which is at the core of self-love.

I've learned that if I don't make loving choices for myself, someone else is going to. This applies to relationships, freedom, peace of mind, integrity, money and more. How many times have you made a choice to do something because someone else influenced you, or you did it because you wanted to please that person? Even though it didn't feel right in your gut, you did it anyway. The time to be done with that is now.

Self-love isn't about ego. They're two very different things. It isn't about feeling and acting superior to anyone else. It's simply about listening to your own intuition. It will never steer you in the wrong direction.

A simple question we must ask ourselves is "what do I want to happen in this situation?" Then speak your truth.

Self. Love.