Sunday, March 20, 2016


We do not remember days, we remember moments. - Cesare Pavese

Isn't this so true? For the life of me, some days I can't remember what day it is. Thursday or Friday? Saturday or Sunday? 

Yet I can remember moments ... like the details of when my children were born. Or the moment I first learned that my Mom had passed. Or the moment the other morning when the sun rose in a cloudless sky. Or the moment the doctor told me that I didn't have cancer after all. 

All too often, we hitch our star to things that happen outside of us that seem to directly affect our lives and our thinking in one way or another. 

It's the way we've been conditioned. We grow up under pressure to be 'somebody,' thinking that we must gain approval from outside sources. That we need to prove our worth as human/spiritual beings. 

I'm calling that out as B.S. It simply doesn't work for me anymore. 

Yes, I still have appointments to keep, bills to pay, and events that need scheduling. We all do. But these obligations won't deter me from experiencing my moments. I recognize them now more often. 

I want to FEEL more and THINK less. 

I'll stick to remembering moments, rather than days on a calendar. 


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