Monday, August 17, 2015

Playing with Geese

There are always geese flying over our house and I love them! It just seems that I never have my camera handy when they make their pass. But the other day I had my phone with me and finally got a picture. And then I decided to give them some friends by doing a ghost image. I guess you could say I've been playing with the geese. Honk! Honk!

Some folks believe that Oregon is always rainy, cloudy and gloomy. Not so ... we've experienced incredibly clear blue skies of late and only about 99 drops of rain. Actually, I'm hoping for some of that wet stuff soon. Well, I'm sure we'll get our share this winter, but with the wildfires going on, it sure would be nice for Mother Nature to step up to the plate and rain all over the West. 


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