Monday, August 10, 2015

Life Moves On

I had a another conversation this morning with my neighbor who lost her daughter a couple of weeks ago. She was in her early 40's and we both agreed it was way too soon for her to go. I simply can't imagine her loss, and don't want to allow any thoughts of something like that happening in my life. It just doesn't seem right that a child should go before their parents. My mom experienced that with the loss of my brother. I have no words when I think of her pain.

Each time I've seen my neighbor since, it seems that we share many beliefs:

  • that life moves on ... whether we choose to participate in it or not
  • that sometimes our loved ones give us signals before they get ready to go
  • that sometimes they give us signals from the other side of the veil
  • that we will never be the same but will learn to live a "new normal"
  • that people, when hearing of our loss, can feel rather awkward, not knowing what to do or say
  • that it's okay to cry 
  • that everyone has their own version of grief
  • that we almost always ask ourselves "what if?"
  • that faith can bring grace and peace, so it's okay to let go and let God

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