Thursday, November 3, 2011

Eight Easy Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Day

In these times of what seems to be mounting chaos around our planet, there seems to be an increasing need for destressing our days.  Are you looking for ways to feel less overwhelmed and maybe feel better in general?  Here are some tips and techniques you can use right now to help.

Tip #1:  Take a break from whatever it is you're doing.  If you're at your desk, get up and walk around for a couple of minutes.  If you're driving and find yourself in a traffic jam, that can be a huge source of stress.  Turn on some soothing music on your radio, pop in a slow-tempo CD, or just repeat a self-supporting mantra like, "I am so loved and I choose to be at peace."

Tip #2:  A breathing exercise can be such a life saver for decreasing your stress level.  Try taking a deep breath in through your nose and focus on just your breath, saying to yourself "Breathe In" and then releasing your breath through your mouth saying "Breathe Out."  Do this three times, relaxing your shoulders if you can and you will feel an immediate release of stress.  Using this several times throughout the day can literally change your life.

Tip #3:  If you are in a place where you can take a short walk, go outside, or be in nature, it will help a lot.  Try it the next time you're feeling some stress.  If going outside isn't possible, move to a window and look out (it's the next best thing) to see the world around you.

Tip #4:  Treat yourself to something new, something fun or something good to eat.  Do you have a favorite coffee or tea?  Do you have a favorite sweet treat?  Don't over-do it but be good to yourself. If you over-do it, that in itself may create some undue stress.

Tip #5:  Doing something for someone else naturally lifts our spirits.  Why?  Because we're all in this thing called the human race together.  So when you make an effort to reach out to another, you are really helping two - you and the other person.  Try giving something away every day . . . a smile, a blessing, a hug, holding the door for someone, picking up something at the store for them.  You'll know what to do if you look for ways to help.  In fact, if you make it your intention to do so, many ways will just "show up" in your day.

Tip #6:  Saying no can be difficult because most of us don't want to hurt others feelings.  Let's take the example of interruptions.  When someone interrupts us without our permission, they are actually invading our space.  That doesn't feel good to most of us so it might be time to say NO to allowing that.  It's rather easy to do . . . "You know, [name], when you interrupt me without asking if this is a good time, it makes me think you don't care that my time is valuable, too.  So I'm going to have to ask you to stop doing it.  Are you OK with that?" What this does is allow you to take back your personal power and set some boundaries without hurting someone else because you've asked them to buy into it, rather than demanding.

Tip #7: According to the American Society of Hypertension, listening to a half hour of music per day can lower your blood pressure.  They actually recommend classical, Celtic or Indian (raga) music for the most benefits.  I personally like light jazz and classical.

Tip #8:  Laughter really is the best medicine.  Here's what has been clinically proven that laughter can do for you: reduces the level of stress hormones, perks up the immune system, relaxes muscles, clears the respiratory tract, increases circulation, and eases perceived pain.  YouTube has a whole list of comedy videos.  Test them out and take a laugh break.

(Here's a smile from the Hillbilly Hounds):

Everyone gets stressed sometimes. The important thing is knowing how to deal with that stress when it comes. The advice in this article may seem simple, but it's a great way to get yourself through a stressful situation. If you work these tips into your everyday routine, you may be surprised at how much more relaxed you feel.

Oh, and one last thing, never look in the mirror without smiling back at yourself.  Know that you are loved and never alone . . . your Creator is always with you.


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