Friday, October 21, 2011

What We Say is What We Get?

I recently subscribed to the Intenders of the Highest Good and have found the articles and messages to be very uplifting.  This one makes total sense to me about our wishes and dreams and how we would like them to manifest in our lives . . . and why they don't sometimes . . .

When we were first starting The Intenders back on the Big Island of Hawaii, Mark Dziatko (he's the handsome one in the Intenders Video) and I used to talk a lot about the Highest Good. One day while we were putting a roof on his house in Waa Waa subdivision, Mark was telling me why some of the things I'd manifested recently didn't seem to be working out so well. He said I hadn't incorporated the Highest Good into my intentions. Mark said that this was a common oversight, and he pointed out that there are all sorts of things we think we want, but that sometimes it's difficult for us to tell in advance which ones are good for us and which ones aren't. 

He said that we can avoid getting ourselves involved in uncomfortable situations by including the Highest Good clause at the end of our intentions.

He further explained that by saying "in order for my intentions to manifest, they must serve the highest good of the Universe, myself, and everyone everywhere," (and knowing that what I say is what I'll get), I can be assured that only the intentions which are aligned with my highest good will come into manifestation. Any which are born out of shadowy, selfish, or unserving motives will remain unmanifested.

We had an example of this awhile back in our Intenders Circle with a lady named Genie who kept making the same intention week after week. She intended that she is in a relationship with the man of her dreams, and, week after week, we expected her to arrive at the circle with her new boyfriend on her arm. But, after several months, it still hadn't happened.

So, one evening after we'd finished our intentions and gratitudes, Mark asked Lee Ching why Genie's intention hadn't manifested yet. The answer he received was quite profound. He was told that it simply wasn't in Genie's (or her future boyfriend's) highest and best interests to have a man come into her life at this time; that she didn't really have the handle on her negativity yet; and that if he was to show up in her life, she wouldn't be able, at her present level of emotional maturity, to keep him around. It was suggested that she do some more work on herself to keep calmer and more centered in the midst of life's little storms, and, in this way, when the man of her dreams did come along, she'd be better prepared to make the most of the relationship.
My Intention for today is:
I intend that all of my intentions serve the Highest Good of the Universe, myself, and everyone everywhere. 


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