Friday, September 2, 2011

Daily Prayer of Thankfulness

Years ago when I first moved to Tucson, I picked up one of those free papers one day out front of a restaurant.  It was called The Awareness Journal, chock full of articles and other goodies that just rang bells in my soul.  So many good writers and I loved the publisher's views and ideas.  The Journal has long since gone but I managed to find a copy of the prayer I say every morning and night.  This prayer was taken from one of the editions of the Awareness Journal and I've always loved it.  It makes me feel good when I say it. So now I'd like to share it with you:


Thank You, Dear Creator, for this, another day of life.  Thank You for my abundant supply and for that of my family, my friends, and for the people of all planes, dimensions and realities.  Thank You for each spirit, Human and Space Brethren, Animal, Nature, and Universal, as we all share the path to Your loving Source.  Thank You for leading us to the place that we shall go, the work that we shall do, yes, even the dwelling we shall live in.  Thank You for knowledge, courage, the love of the Light and the wisdom to use it with my Brothers and Sisters.  You are my Shepherd.  I shall not want.  I love You, Dear Creator.

I wish I knew who to give credit to for this prayer.  I can't remember his name but whoever you are, thank you for writing this.  It has given this woman a great deal of peace and love in her heart.

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