Thursday, March 31, 2011

Do the Rescue

I don't know if I've ever mentioned that both of our dogs are rescued through a shelter.  One, Daisy, came from the SPCA and Foxy came through an organization called F.A.I.R., which works through the SPCA.    We had Foxy before getting Daisy and the reason we got Daisy was that Foxy told us she didn't want to be an only child anymore.  She was good buddies with Goldie, our Golden Retriever mix who died from a tumor on her heart. 

Well, after the mourning and depression started to subside for all of us, we set out to find a four-legged friend who needed a good and loving forever home. 

The day we went to PetsMart to see the dogs up for adoption through the SPCA, there was this border collie mix and a sheltie mix named Jazzy.  The border collie was emaciated; apparently was a stray and had been on the streets for a while. 

I walked both of them through the store to see how they did on a leash and both were exceptional.  So why did we pick Daisy?  It was that face, that black fuzzy face and the look in her eyes.  Her eyes said, "Take me home with you.  I need your love and in return, I'll love you unconditionally."

We did and she does.  Here's Daisy:

Adopt your next pet.  Please don't support the puppy mills.  Namaste!

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